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Vous retrouverez ci-après la liste des Commissaires européens

mise à jour après le départ de Phil HOGAN

et leurs attributions initiales et évolutives spécifiques et parfois croisées où vous pouvez nous apportez  vos  Constats, interrogations, suggestions et recommandations  notamment pour notre prochain Livre Blanc,

ainsi que la première partie de la lettre commune qui leur est adressée par la Président de la Commission. 


European Green DealVice-President exécutif Frans Timmermans (NL) - European Green Deal - Climate action pacte vert pour l'europe : European Climate Law, 2030 emission reduction target, international negotiations, Emissions Trading System, Just Transition Fund, Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, zero-pollution ambition, circular economy and the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy, enforcement and implementation of EU laws and instruments, tax policies, Carbon Border Tax,  Energy Taxation Directive, European Climate Pact.

For a Europe fit for the Digital Age - Vice-Présidente exécutif - Margrethe Vestager (DK) -  A Europe fit for the digital age - une europe adaptee a l ere du numerique – Competition  Co-leading on a strategy on small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups and a long-term strategy for the EU's industrial future, synergies between civil, defence and space industries, European strategy on data and artificial intelligence, human and ethical implications, foreign state ownership and subsidies, general market knowledge, new Digital Services Act, fair digital taxation, EU competition rules.


for an Economy that Works for People - Vice-Président exécutif - Valdis Dombrovskis (LV) - An economy that works for people une economie au service des personnes : European Pillar of Social Rights, social dialogue, European Semester, democratic accountability of our economic governance, Sustainable Europe Investment Plan, relations with the European Investment Bank and with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, long-term strategy for Europe’s industrial future, SME strategy, strengthening the role of the euro, our economic relations with other partners, trade and economic relations, territorial cohesion. Financial services, financial stability and the Capital Markets Union : completing the Banking Union, Capital Markets Union, green financing strategy, FinTech Strategy, private–public fund specialising in initial public offerings for SMEs, comprehensive approach to fighting money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities, cryptocurrencies, extraterritorial sanctions.


High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Haut Représentant / Vice-Président Josep Borrell Fontelles (ES) -  A more strategic, more assertive and more united Europe in the world une europe plus forte sur la scene internationale : Geopolitical Commission, coordinating the external action of the European Union, link between internal and external aspects of the Commission’s policies, Stronger Europe in the World, EU as a global leader, EU’s capacity to act autonomously and promote its values and interests globally, decisions in a faster and more efficient way, European Defence Union, external financial instruments .


Interinstitutional Relations and ForesightVice-President Maroš Šefčovič (SK) -  Interinstitutional relations and better regulation :  special partnership with the European Parliament, support for a right of initiative for Parliament, Interinstitutional Agreement on Better Law-Making, relations with national Parliaments, advisory bodies and the European Ombudsman, Commission’s work on better regulation, alleviate the regulatory burden, REFIT Platform, Representing the Commission at the EU General Affairs Council; Putting foresight at the heart of better policymaking : to strengthen our culture of evidence-based policymaking, strategic foresight, European Battery Alliance, yearly foresight report to adapt and improve our priority setting, annual Commission work programme.


Values and TransparencyVice-Présidente Věra Jourová  (CZ) -  Strengthening democracy and transparency : lead candidate system and on the issue of transnational lists, electoral law, European Democracy Action Plan, building the resilience of our democratic systems, Media pluralism and media freedom, more transparency to the legislative process, independent ethics body common to all EU institutions, European Citizens’ Initiative;  Upholding Europe’s values and rights : rule of law, European Convention on Human Rights, Charter of Fundamental Rights, right of peaceful assembly and the freedom of association, promote European identity, Union of equality and diversity.


Democracy and DemographyVice-Présidente Dubravka Šuica (HR) -   Conference on the Future of Europe : to agree on the concept, structure, timing and scope, to make participation in person or online as easy and accessible as possible, to ensure the follow-up on what is agreed by the Conference - Supporting Europe through the demographic transition : impact of demographic change on different groups, extensive mapping exercise, long-term vision for rural areas, to support areas most affected by ‘brain drain’including Youth Guarantee, to present a Green Paper on ageing, reconciling work and family, protecting children’s rights.


Promoting our European Way of LifeVice-Présidente Margaritis Schinas (EL) -  Skills, education and integration :  potential of culture and sport, European Solidarity Corps, DiscoverEU programmes. making education more accessible and inclusive, skills shortages and support reskilling, integration of migrants and refugees, dialogue with churches and religious associations or communities, and with philosophical and non-confessional organisations, fight against the growing scourge of antisemitism -  Finding common ground on migration  : New Pact on Migration and Asylum, legal migration, external and internal dimensions of migration - Security Union : a genuine European Security Union of equality and diversity, better link our work on internal and external security, prevent, detect and respond to hybrid threats.


Budget and Administration - Commissaire Johannes Hahn (AT) - A modern budget and administration to deliver for Europe : 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework, rule of law, coherence between individual sectoral programmes within the next long-term budget, new Just Transition Mechanism, annual discharge process to improve the performance of budgetary spending, human ressources strategy for the modernisation of the Commission, to gender equality at all levels of Commission management, full digitalisation of the Commission, to face up to ever evolving physical and digital security threats, to protect the financial interests of the European Union


Education, research and innovation, Culture, youth and sport - Commissaire Mariya Gabriel (BG) -  Education, research and innovation : Horizon Europe programme, Ensuring integration between research and economic priorities, investment flows to disruptive research and breakthrough innovations, European Research Area, research, policy and economic priorities go hand in hand, tripling the Erasmus+ programme, European Education Area, promote excellence and networking among European universities initiative, Digital Education Action Plan, international cooperation, disinformation and other online threats  - Culture, youth and sport : preserving and protecting our cultural heritage, creative industries, to promote sport as a tool for inclusion and wellbeing, cultural cooperation


Emploi et droits sociaux - Commissaire Nicolas Schmit (LU) - Renforcer la dimension sociale de l’Europe : soutient aux travailleurs et demandeur d’emploi, socle européen des droits sociaux – instrument juridique pour salaire minimum équitable, conditions de travail notamment pour travailleurs en plateformes, régime européen de réassurance des prestations de chômage, Autorité européenne du travail, dialogue social, Fonds social européen, renforcement des systèmes de protection sociale, garantie pour la jeunesse et pour l’enfance, plan d’action européen pour l’économie sociale, mise à jour de la stratégie pour les compétences dont pénuries et reconversion, comptes de formation individuels


Economy - Commissaire Paolo Gentiloni (IT) – Economic and financial affairs : European Semester cycle of economic governance, Stability and Growth Pact, resilience to shocks, European Unemployment Benefit Reinsurance Scheme, InvestEU programme, Sustainable Europe Investment Plan, Independent, credible and high-quality European statistics - Fair and effective taxation : digital taxation, Energy Taxation Directive, Carbon Border Tax, consolidated corporate tax base, step up the fight against tax fraud, tax evasion and tax avoidance, combat harmful tax regimes around the world, qualified majority voting - A strong and modern Customs Union :  full implementation of the Union Customs Code, integrated European approach to reinforce risk management at the EU’s external border


Agriculture - Commissaire  Janusz Wojciechowski (POL) – Modern and sustainable agriculture : modern and simplified Common Agricultural Policy with a major focus on food security, climate and the biodiversity. digital technologies, supporting young farmers, long-term vision for rural areas ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy for sustainable, healthy and high-quality food. reducing the use of pesticides, fertilisers and chemicals in Europe and beyond, strengthen the system of geographical indications, long-term vision for rural areas, promote Europe’s high-quality food standards worldwide. animal welfare standards.


Marché intérieur - Commissaire Thierry Breton (FR) - Economie et la société numériques : renforcer la souveraineté technologique de l’Europe comme les chaînes de blocs, le calcul à haute performance, les algorithmes et les outils de partage et d’utilisation des données, normes pour les réseaux 5G et les technologies de nouvelle génération, intelligence artificielle, stratégie européenne en matière de données, législation sur les services numériques, prévention et la lutte contre la désinformation, marché unique de la cybersécurité, une unité conjointe de cybersécurité, plan d’action en matière d’éducation numérique. Une industrie européenne et un marché unique parés pour l’avenir : stratégie globale à long terme pour l’avenir industriel de l’Europe dont investissements, marchés publics mais aussi le commerce, les compétences, l’innovation, économie circulaire, stratégie en faveur des PME, fonctionnement au jour le jour du marché unique, conditions de concurrence équitables, propriété intellectuelle, souveraineté technologique de l’Europe dans les chaînes de valeur essentielles avec normes communes et les tendances futures, tourisme (suite intervention parlement). L’industrie de la défense et l’espace : Fonds européen de la défense, marché européen des équipements de défense ouvert et compétitif, mobilité militaire, industrie spatiale forte et innovante, radio navigation Galileo, EGNOS, observation de la terre Copernicus, améliorer le lien crucial entre l’espace, la défense et la sécurité.


Cohesion et reforms - Commissaire Elisa Ferreira (PT) -  Cohesion, reforms and a just transition : legislative framework for Cohesion Funds, future policy to use and lead to more high-quality investment, appropriate controls on sates expenditure, Just Transition Fund, Supporting regions and authorities in preparing their programmes, Member States’ structural reforms aimed at speeding up growth-enhancing investment and join the euro, full and effective use of EU funds,  Budgetary Instrument for Convergence and Competitiveness in the euro area, sustainable development of Europe’s cities and urban areas.



Health and Food Safety - Commissaire Stella Kyriakides (CY) - Protecting and promoting public health : supply of affordable medicines, regulatory framework on medical devices, e-health, European Health Data Space, Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance, vaccination, Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, affordable medicines,  European pharmaceutical industry  legislation on medical devices quality and sustainability of health systems - Food safety and animal and plant health : ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy for sustainable food, protecting plant health, reducing dependency on pesticides, endocrine disruptors, improving consumer information, Animal health and welfare law, legislation in the areas of food safety and animal and plant health, safety standards for food imports, strategy with concrete measures against food fraud, prevent and fight transmittable animal diseases.



Justice -  Commissaire Didier Reynders (BE) - Défendre l’état de droit : mécanisme européen complet de protection de l’état de droit, harmonisation des méthodes de surveillance, détecter les violations de l’état de droit, application plus stricte des règles, coopération avec organisations internationales, promouvoir une culture de l’état de droit vers les citoyens et divers organisations, Justice et protection des consommateurs : l’autonomisation et la protection des consommateurs opérations transfrontières et en ligne, coopération judiciaire, l'échange d'informations entre les États membres, et développer le secteur de la justice, union de la sécurité, Parquet européen, terrorisme transfrontière.règlement général sur la protection des données, nouvelles technologies numériques,  conséquences humaines et éthiques de l’intelligence artificielle, citoyenneté européenne, droit des sociétés et stratégie PME.


EqualityCommissaire Helena Dalli (MT) - A Union of equality : inclusion and equality in all of its senses, irrespective of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, anti-discrimination legislation, Rights of Persons with Disabilities, new European Gender Strategy, Women on Boards Directive, Work–Life Balance Directive, empowerment of women and girls.to crack down on gender-based violence and to better support victims, to empower women and girls, Exploring the addition of 'violence against women' to the list of EU crimes and supporting EU accession to the Istanbul Convention.


Home Affairs – Commissaire Ylva Johansson (SE) - A fresh start on migration : New Pact on Migration and Asylum, strengthening external borders, relaunching the rules, closing loopholes between asylum and return rules, promoting integration and ensuring real legal pathways to the EU, by resettling those in need of international protection and offering job opportunities to skilled workers, search and rescue, legal pathways, to develop stronger cooperation with countries of origin and transit, to fight against human traffickers and smugglers, reinforcement of European Border and Coast Guard Agency, fully functioning Schengen Area. Internal security : new EU internal security strategy to prevent, prosecute and respond to terrorism including with strong enforcement and implementation of legislation., law enforcement cooperation with Europol’s mandate, interoperability of EU information systems,  cross-border cooperation, to prevent and remove terrorist content online, fight against radicalisation.


Crisis ManagementCommissaire Janez Lenarčič (SI) - European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid : European Emergency Response Coordinator, emergency Response Coordination Centre’s, reacting to new and emerging threats, state’s disaster risk strategies, supporting countries most exposed to climate change and natural disaster to adapt and boost their resilience, EU Civil Protection Mechanism (rescEU), integrated approach to crises and long term solutions, ensuring that humanitarian, development, security and other policies all work together, a strong global advocate in support of international humanitarian law


Transports – Commissaire Adina Vălean  (RO) – Sustainable, safe and affordable transport : strategy for sustainable and smart mobility, extending the Emissions Trading System, negotiations on global emission reduction with Civil Aviation and Maritime Organization, zero-pollution ambition, Energy Taxation Directive, connected and automated mobility, fair and functioning internal market for transport to complete the missing infrastructure links and the Trans-European Transport Network, passenger rights, highest safety standards, cooperation with key partners, to enforce existing agreements, to improve military mobility using Connecting Europe Facility funds., sustainable and competitive tourism industry. sustainable and alternative transport fuels for road, maritime and air transport. Competitive, sustainable and tourism industry.


Neighbourhood and Enlargement - Commissaire Olivér Várhelyi (HU) - A General cooperation : European Economic Area,  Optimising EU financial instruments, public–private partnerships, migrations, economic growth and jobs. Promoting good governance, environmental protection, the fight against corruption, the rule of law and respecting the role of independent media and civil society - credible European Union perspective for the Western Balkans : keeping a credible perspective on future accession, negotiations with the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Albania, speeding up structural and institutional reforms – Turkey : remain a key partner, with common challenges and interests such as on security, migration, economy or trade. - Taking the Eastern Partnership to the next level : long-term policy objectives for the Eastern Partnership by mid 2020, to accelerate the implementation of the Association Agreements and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas with Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, Support Group for Ukraine - Neighbourhood South : review and update the priorities, the best use of our financial instruments


International Partnerships – Commissaire Jutta Urpilainen (FI) - Building sustainable partnerships : comprehensive strategy with Africa, post-Cotonou agreement, comprehensive inclusive and equitable partnerships with countries of migration origin and transit, Europe’s external financial assistance, Sustainable Development Goals, gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, supporting civil society around the world, full potential of the External Investment Plan,

international financial institutions, Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument

Energy – Commissaire Kadri Simson (EE) - Safe, secure and sustainable energy : integrated, interconnected and properly functioning European energy market, energy-efficiency and renewable-energy, energy-efficiency-first principle in buildings and renovations, to speed up the deployment of clean energy and renewables, European Green Deal in the energy with National Energy and Climate Plans,  integration of the electricity, heating, transport and industry sectors, EU’s electricity interconnection target, enhancing cross-border and regional cooperation, investment in clean energy, Diversifying sources of supply at competitive prices affordable liquefied natural gas, Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, Energy Taxation Directive, use of the euro in energy markets, enhancing nuclear safety and safeguards, nuclear decommissioning.- Empowering people and regions : putting consumers at the heart of our energy system, self-consumption, Just Transition Fund, Energy Poverty Observatory, Empowering consumers 


Environment, Oceans and Fisheries - Commissaire  Virginijus Sinkevičius (LT) - Conserving Europe’s natural environment : Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, 2020 Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, zero-pollution ambition, Circular Economy Action Plan, microplastics - Prosperous and sustainable fishing and a thriving blue economy : Common Fisheries Policy by 2022, ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy, international ocean governance, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, global agreement to ban fisheries subsidies, new approach for a sustainable blue economy


nouvelle entrante :

Mairead McGuinness

Financial services, financial stability and Capital Markets Union



  • Preserving and improving financial stability, protecting savers and investors and ensuring the flow of capital to where it is needed.
  • Leading the work on completing the Banking Union, notably by finalising the common backstop to the Single Resolution Fund and agreeing on a European Deposit Insurance Scheme.
  • Expediting the work on the Capital Markets Union to diversify sources of finance for companies and tackle the barriers to the flow of capital.
  • Developing further the green financing strategy to support the implementation of the European Green Deal.
  • Proposing a FinTech Strategy to support new digital technologies in our financial system.
  • Developing a new private-public fund specialising in initial public offerings for small and medium enterprises.
  • Developing a new, comprehensive approach to fighting money laundering and the financing of terrorist activities.
  • Ensuring a common approach with Member States on cryptocurrencies.
  • Securing Europe’s resilience to extraterritorial sanctions by third countries, including by proper enforcement of sanctions imposed by the EU.


Ancien commissaire - voire les réattibutions

Trade Commissaire Phil HOGAN  A level playing field for all : trade agreements, rules-based multilateral system, reform of the World Trade Organization (WTO), e-commerce, unfair trade practices, screening Foreign Direct Investment, trade defense instruments notably for screening Foreign Direct Investment and to upgrade the EU’s Enforcement Regulation to allow sanctions, distortive effects of foreign,  subsidies transparency and communication - Strengthening Europe’s global leadership : trading partnership with the United States, negotiations with China, partnership with Africa, concluding ongoing negotiations, notably with Australia and New Zealand - Trade for sustainable development and climate action : implementation of climate, environmental and labour protections, Carbon Border Tax -


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Photo crédit Commission européenne

Photo crédit Commission européenne

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