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Publié par I.R.C.E. - Institut de Recherche et de Communication sur l'Europe - Le Think et Do Tank des dynamiques européennes

As you probably know, the virtual Info Day on the European Green Deal Call will take place during the Research & Innovation Days, on 23 and 24 September. You will find the programme attached.

 On 24 September, applicants will have the opportunity to:

 - pitch their proposals from 9:00 to 11:00 CET.  Pitches can be sent from 18 to 23  September, and will  be accepted on a first come first served basis. Details on submission will be published on the Info Days' website.

- meet potential partners during 15 minute face to face meetings. Applicants can enter their profile, and their offers & requests for each of the Green Deal Call topics in  the matchmaking tool.

 The link to the Green Deal Call will be published on the Europa.eu website and on the Funding and Tenders Portal on 18 September.

 We would appreciate if you could raise awareness about the Green Deal Call, the Info Day and the Matchmaking tool, with your clients and networks.

Kind regards,


European Commission

DG Research & Innovation

Directorate C - Healthy Planet

C5 - Ecological & Social Transitions

CDMA 03/187

1049 Brussels/Belgium




Coronavirus research (Research projects and initiatives to tackle the spread of coronavirus and preparedness for other outbreaks). 

European Research Infrastructures  in the fight against COVID-19

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