Ci-joint une information de la part des PCN nationaux concernant une éventuelle participation suisse au programme Horizon Europe.
ainsi qu'une ancienne communication sur les fausses idées reçues sur les participations non UE.
Dear colleagues
As you know, the association of Switzerland to Horizon Europe has to be negotiated, and first steps have already been taken. With this email and the attached letter from our State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation I’d like to inform you on the following:
Switzerland has foreseen several scenarios in its budget for the Horizon-package (including Horizon Europe). Even if Switzerland participated in Horizon Europe as a third country, national funding for Swiss partners in collaborative projects (e.g. Pilar 2) would be possible.
In the letter, the State Secretary underlines that after the decision of the Swiss Parliament in December the funding of Swiss researchers in collaborative projects will be secured, regardless of the future mode of Swiss participation in EU programs.
The aim of this letter is to avoid uncertainties on the part of the international research community regarding collaboration with researchers in Switzerland. I kindly ask you to inform your researchers accordingly whenever doubts about Swiss partners come up.
The website of the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation informs also on the association status of Switzerland and provides useful FAQ.
Don’t hesitate to contact me or send your clients directly to Euresearch if questions arise.
Thank you very much for your collaboration.
All the best and stay healthy!
Euresearch | Swiss guide to European research and innovation
Dr. Katja Wirth
Head Section Science
Member of the Management Board
National Contact Point (NCP)
European Research Council (ERC)
National NCP Coordinator
Euresearch Network Office | Belpstr.11 | CH - 3007 Bern
phone: +41 31 380 60 18